
How to Write a First-Class Law Essay?

Every student that is determined to become a lawyer and has the resources to facilitate themselves will find themselves writing a law essay in their universities.

Writing a first-class law essay is all about digging deep to reveal uncertainty and complexity within the Laws. The requirements for a first-class law essay vary depending on the university and the type of essay that you will be writing.

However, following the steps stated below will help you achieve a higher grade on your law essays:

STEP#1 – Comprehend:

First of all, you should read, understand and deconstruct the topic. Do not initiate writing a first-class law essay until you fully comprehend the question. You must take your time to break down the question into sections to decipher it.

STEP#2 – Do Your Research!

Research is the most crucial part of the law essay writing process therefore the information you take should be from authentic, up to date and reliable sources. If you lack in this stage, you will be unable to produce a first-class law essay. Always remember to use authoritative sources because it will help you gain good marks.

Prioritize using primary material over secondary material where possible. Furthermore look for information given by experts in the field of law such as lawyers, judges, and politicians. Please avoid gathering information from blogs of strangers online.

Step#3 – Plan it Out:

After you are done with your research, it will give you a fair idea of what kind of content do you want to incorporate in your text. Take a notepad and write down what you wish to add to each paragraph.

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Without planning a text, your essay will be filled with out-of-order information. Your answer should answer the question and nothing else so ensure all the points relate to it.

Step#4 – Give a Good Introduction:

Your introduction should be impressive therefore it should include:

  • Outline of the research topic, do not repeat the question in it.
  • Create a roadmap for the reader to let them know how the essay will approach the question.
  • Include a thesis statement.
  • Keep your introduction concise.

Step#5 – Include a Thesis:

Next up, include a thesis. This is regarded as your opinion on the matter at hand and usually goes with the introduction. Make sure your stance is clear.

Avoid taking an obvious view, being different is appreciated. Before writing considers asking yourself if you can prove the argument with the provided word count or if you need to go for a more modest approach in your law essay.

Step#6 – Include Counter-arguments:

This part of the first-class law essay will prove your broad understanding of the topic. You will have to refute the argument and discuss why your argument is better.

Remember, your aim should be to persuade the reader to support your side of the argument and the reader will not be convinced until you show him that your argument withstands the opposing arguments. If you feel that you may need Law Essay Help to make your arguments stronger then you can give it a shot too.

Step#7 – Write your final words:

In this last stanza, you should summarize all aspects of your first-class law essay. Then reaffirm your answer to the main question in your conclusion to make sure this is done clearly.

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A piece of advice for you is that you shouldn’t compromise your grades at all even if you are a broke student. if you are afraid that your essay is not going to turn out well then look for Write My Essay For Me Cheap or any cheap essay writing services because at the end of the day your grade is what counts.


  • Create a vocabulary bank.
  • Stick to the point! Do not overuse legal jargons because they come off as fake.
  • Presentation is important, Use an appropriate font and font size which correctly references and follows your university essay requirements.


Congratulations on reaching the end of this article.  Now you have all the knowledge you will ever need to write a first-class law essay. A plus point of this article is that it will help you write any regular essay too. Hopefully, you will make the most out of it.

“Best of luck with your Law careers”

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