
Some tips for saving money in life

Nowadays, the price of goods in society is soaring. If you want to live a more exciting life with very little money, you need a little skill.


To redeem mobile phone points, every telecommunications company will have a plan to exchange points for prizes, which will be cleared at the end of the year. Your one-year consumption will give you a certain amount of points. You can use these points to exchange for some small gifts. If you don’t want small gifts, you can also redeem your phone bills. For example, mobile users can inquire online, WeChat, and telephone.

Stay at the University Guest House during travel time. Often when we travel, the place that spends the most money is not the travel and entrance fees, but the accommodation fees. Nowadays, hotel prices are getting higher and higher. Then you might as well find a university guest house to live in. Generally, university guest houses are open to everyone, and generally only cost a few dozen yuan.


Travel in the off-season. Every year from January to March and September to December are the off-season for tourism. Choosing the off-season to go out is not only cheaper, but also the fare of hotel scenic spots will be cheaper and there are not so many people.

Buy Men and Women’s clothes and save with Boden promo code 25 off discounts after nine o’clock. Sometimes we go to the supermarket to buy things in the morning, and we buy them in the refrigerator. Why not put them in the supermarket? How about buying it back at a lower price?

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Choose to buy clothes during the cross-season change. Generally, there will be some unexpected discounts on clothes from summer to autumn and winter to spring. Buy summer clothes from summer to autumn, and winter clothes from winter to spring. Generally, there will be a very low discount when the season changes.

Go to a movie on Tuesday, half price for the movie ticket. In June 2005, China Film Distribution Association, China Urban Cinema Development Association, and China Film Producers Association jointly announced the “National Cinema Half Price Day”.

Tips for saving money and keeping a house

I used to look at my parents’ housekeeping life, which seemed to be very relaxed, but when I lived alone, I realized that housekeeping is also a way of life. It is not that simple. In my own life, I also learned some life experiences, and some tips about housekeeping life, let me talk about it below.


Tips for cleaning the glass at home

When cleaning the house, cleaning the glass is a tricky problem, and it is often difficult to clean it. In fact, it is very simple. First, pour a little bit of vinegar at home into a bowl, and then heat it up. Then use a rag dipped in vinegar to paint on the glass, and finally wipe the glass with a damp rag. The glass will be very clean at this time.

Some Tips for removing old photos on glass

Sometimes, because of festivals or weddings, photos are posted on the glass at home, and I want to tear them off after the end. If you are afraid that the photo will be torn, you can use a hot towel to press on the photo first, then it is very convenient to tear it off.

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cleaning the burnt pot

In life, we often accidentally burn the pot when we are cooking, which is very troublesome to clean up. We can mix water with edible salt, mix it into brine, pour it into a burnt pot, and let it sit for a day. Then, boil it over fire. Finally, rub it with a steel wire ball, and the burnt pot is clean.

Tips for removing the smell of tableware

The family often likes to eat fish or other seafood. After eating, the tableware at home will have an unpleasant smell. In fact, we can use tea leaves to remove the fishy smell. Put the fishy tableware in the pot, add a little tea, and boil it with boiling water to get rid of the fishy smell.

removing ink from clothes

I accidentally spilled ink or pen ink on the clothes, which is difficult to clean and pull down. You can soak the clothes in water first, and then sprinkle the spoiled milk on the clothes to clean them.

Use orange peel to remove shoe odor

Shoes often have foot odor when worn. There are deodorant products on the Internet that can remove the odor of shoes. However, in fact, we don’t have to spend money and trouble, as long as the orange peels eaten at home are put in the shoes, the odor can also be removed. Both economical and easy.

White clothes cleaning tips

White clothes look good, but they are troublesome to clean. We can soak the white clothes in water for a while, then pour out the water, hit the clothes on top with soap, let it stand for a while, then wash and rub. Finally, rinse with clean water, the clothes are washed.

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