
How a Global PEO can help you to expand to Slovakia

Expanding a business to a new country can be both an exciting and daunting experience. While it can bring new opportunities and growth potential, it also involves a range of challenges, including navigating the complexities of setting up a legal entity, hiring employees, and complying with local laws and regulations. This is where a Global PEO can be of great help. In this article, we will explore how a Global PEO can help you expand your business to Slovakia.

Expanding your business to Slovakia: How does a Global PEO work?

A Global PEO provides companies with a comprehensive employment solution that allows them to hire and manage employees in a foreign country without having to set up a legal entity. In Slovakia, a Global PEO can act as the employer of record for your company, handling all HR, payroll, and tax-related matters on your behalf. This means that you can start hiring employees quickly, without having to worry about the legal and administrative complexities of setting up a new entity.

The client company retains control over the daily activities of the employees, such as work hours, job duties, and performance management. However, the PEO takes on the administrative tasks related to employment, including maintaining personnel files, issuing employment contracts, and handling employee benefits.

This arrangement allows the client company to focus on the core aspects of their business, while the PEO handles the HR and administrative tasks involved in expanding into Slovakia. The PEO also provides guidance on employment regulations, ensuring that the client company remains in compliance with local laws and regulations.

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In summary, a PEO in Slovakia acts as a co-employer, sharing the legal and administrative responsibilities of employment with the client company, while the client company retains control over the employees’ daily activities.

Why hire in Slovakia?

Slovakia is a country with a dynamic economy, a highly educated workforce, and a strategic location in the heart of Europe. It is known for its skilled workforce, competitive costs, and favorable business environment. Additionally, Slovakia offers a range of incentives and tax breaks to foreign investors, making it an attractive destination for businesses looking to expand their operations.

Differences between a PEO and an EOR

It is important to note that there is a difference between a PEO and an EOR. While a Global PEO acts as the employer of record and takes care of all HR and payroll matters, an EOR (Employer of Record) only handles the administrative tasks related to employment, such as payroll processing and compliance with local labor laws. A Global PEO offers a more comprehensive solution, allowing companies to focus on their core business while leaving the HR and administrative tasks to the Global PEO.

Main advantages of a Global PEO

There are several advantages to using a Global PEO when expanding your business to Slovakia. Firstly, a Global PEO can help you navigate the complexities of local laws and regulations, ensuring that you are in compliance with all legal requirements. This can save you time, money, and potential legal issues in the future.

Secondly, a Global PEO can help you hire and manage employees quickly and efficiently, allowing you to focus on your core business. This can be particularly useful in countries where there are complex and time-consuming procedures involved in hiring employees.

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Thirdly, a Global PEO can help you reduce costs associated with setting up a legal entity, as well as ongoing costs related to HR and payroll functions. By working with a Global PEO, you can avoid the expense of setting up a legal entity, as well as the ongoing costs associated with maintaining one.


Expanding your business to Slovakia can be a great opportunity for growth, but it can also be a challenging endeavor. With the support of a Global PEO provider, you can navigate the complexities of local laws and regulations, hire and manage employees quickly and efficiently, and reduce costs associated with setting up a legal entity.

Whether you are looking to establish a new presence in Slovakia or expand your existing operations, a Global PEO can provide the support you need to succeed in this exciting market.

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